Got the gardening bug?

Friday, May 6, 2011

Still so chilly!

Wow, it has continued to be cold!  When it's not raining, the wind is blowing at high speeds.  It has been tough to get out and work on the garden. 
I have never abided by the rule to wait until memorial day to do your planting, but this year, I'm really considering it.  Annuals, of course, I'll wait on ...... but this weather has me worried over my plants.  It has been really cold, still hitting the 30's at night.

So, to help bost my mood and continue to keep myself in a good gardening spirit, I've done a few things....  The first being that Greg went out to get a load of our red mulch and we mulched the new shade bed together.  Not a lot of plants in it yet ... but it has a pretty nice start. 
I picked up these plants the other day.... a spotted dead nettle and a blue "Fortunae" Hosta.  They were really pretty together, so I put them side by side and I'm planning on getting more of the dead nettle soon.  I'm hoping it will curl around the hosta as they grow.  Blue hoasta are my favorites... just gorgeous additions for a foliage garden.
So what's blooming now?     The forsythia is in its golden bloom, as well as these pretty pink daffodils.  I put these in last year, so this is their second flush, and I'm happy to see that they multiplied!

 ....and the hyacinths are blooming!  These little clusters started off first.  I have a few little slackers waiting to catch up yet..... and the wind damage let me bring 4 of them inside for the table.  I'll be sniffing them throughout the day.

last but not least, I got this pretty little  hanger for the porch. I'm deciding what kind of goodies to fill it with.  My first thought was a few impatiens and some caladiums.  (it's covered and shaded.)  I found this at Hobby Lobby for 50% off .... not too shabby. 

As far as the herbs talk.... I decided to put it off unti they grow in a little more and then I can get some good photos involved.... everyone loves herbs, right? 


  1. I know what you mean about having a good gardening spirit. It's something I've truly been struggling with, with all these darn allergies. But things are looking up and just maybe I can get back outside to weed and tidy the gardens up when warm weather comes back, and the rain knocks out all that nasty pollen. Happy gardening!

  2. Hi Nat
    Weather hasn’t been cooperating here either. Cold nights, unusually wet and high winds. We had one week of lovely weather but we had a wonderful surprise visit from our daughter on Maui. Enjoyed her instead of the garden. In spite of the weather your garden looks lovely. I wish we had a Hobby Lobby they have such wonderful things.
    Blessings Bernie

  3. Thanks for commenting ladies! Kim, I hope your allergies get better when the trees die down in their pollenation cycles...then you can enjoy being outside!!
    Bernie, I'm so glad you were able to see your daughter! That is much better than any garden surprise ..... speaking of surprises.... there is a little golden one on my next post for you to see. :)
