It is passed the middle of May, and we're heading into late spring, which I enjoy much more than early spring. The feeling of a fulfilled promise is upon us, as the leaves have all bursted forward with their green splendor. Flowers are in bloom and I can smell their sweet aroma as I stroll along the garden side. The plans of this year's vegetables are high in my thoughts, and seedlings take their new places among the established plants. ....It is good.
Last fall, I wanted to work up my tulip collection, as I didn't have very many. I fell in love with the angeliques and parrots, and bought several bulbs, as well as the pretty fluted shapes. Some went into my existing tulip bed, while others took their places among the roses and herbs..... a rather high honor for a tulip. This gives me early flowers in a spot that is usually late to bloom.

This typical tulip in red has been in my main bed for a few years now. Bright, cheery and a real classic. This tulip has been very reliable spring after spring. Slight fragrance, average blooming time. I also have this tulip in yellow.

These Splashy Rembrandt Tulips have been in the Tulip bed at the corner of the driveway for about 5 years now. Small in size, big on color and have a long lasting bloom. The fragrance is slight. Rembrandts come in several color choices of splashes. I'm looking for the purple and white. Reliable blooms.

The beautiful and frilly parrot tulip. This one has a name, which I've forgotten. It first blooms a greenish red and brightens over the next few days when swirls of yellow start to appear. It is a little awkward when it opens, and tends to look like it is older than it really is, a pretty tulip in color, but an odd one in shape. Blooms reliably each spring.

Brand new for me this year are these lovely white parrot tulips. I caught them before they truly opened, at probably the best stage for a tulip. Parrot tulips have frilly edges and are not too fragrant. Several of these are blooming for me right now, and I love them. I placed them up near the entrance to the front porch where visitors can delight in seeing them.

The gorgeous Angelique Tulip. This is a double tulip, and is fragrant. This soft pink one is my favorite, I also have white and a soft yellowy/orange, which hasn't opened yet. I will get more photos of the angeliques as they open more. I planted these tulips around the knock out rose bushes. They all came up and bloomed wonderfully. What a wonderful tulip these are! Below I will add in several more photos of random tulip pictures.... enjoy them.

I will share more tulips as they open further. A lot of these images were done before too many opened up or before many are at their peak .... I was so anxious to get some flower photos taken! ...the next flower was a pleasant surprise.....

This little iris was a big surprise for me. I received this from an online friend, whom I'm hoping sees this and recognizes it. She sent it to me a couple of years ago, it has grown nicely in the garden, but has never bloomed ... until now. Soft yellow standards, stronger yellow falls, bright golden beard, tiny delicate size, beautiful sweet frgrance, this little iris has stolen my heart. I love it. AND....early bloom time! My tall bearded irises are all just beginning to set their buds! What a wonderful thing to have an early iris! Just wonderful!
I'm so happy I was able to post blooms today. It seems like I had to wait forever to get some flowers out there. The main bed is growing more lush every day, and I know soon I will have much more to put up here. It will be a good year!
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